Wednesday, May 12, 2021

VACCINE DANGER! Medical Expert Talks Miscarriages, “Shedding”, Transmission and Teen Deaths By RED VOICE MEDIA

t’s really important that we address this today, because although the legacy media is willing to report on UFO sightings and murder hornets, we aren’t going to get the truth from them on the possible negative side effects, deaths, miscarriages and abnormalities being associated with the MRNA injection being called a ‘vaccine’ as the globalists controlling our government are spending billions to convince you to get jabbed with the unknown cocktail so that in-turn the medical industry, big pharma and the elites of the round table stand to make trillions through the forced inoculation.
After Dr. Jane Ruby broke confirmed evidence of some sort of ‘transmission’ on this program, in other words un-injected people experiencing side effects after being around those that have succumb to the carefully designed pressure of the government, things have developed rather quickly. We’re going to get right into it with the medical expert, but what you’re not going to be told about in the fake news state-controlled communist mainstream media is the actual accounts of hundreds of thousands of verified and VAERS reported incidents. People are actually ignoring real data and politicizing the injections in an almost cult-like fashion, much like they don’t question muzzling themselves with parasite-ridden nano-bot infested scientifically unproven masks crawling with worms after being manufactured in third world disease-ridden countries. We, on the other hand, will bring you the first-hand accounts of what’s going on, and keep in mind this is only a few examples that came to me directly from listeners and one personal acquaintance of mine that happens to live in my community. The Stew Peters Show obtained leaked documents from the Pfizer study, which we will display here momentarily, that suggest the “shedding” is something the company knew about, but failed to report to the masses. After posting this information for my friends to see on my Facebook page, someone that I know personally reached out to me. She wrote: “Oh Stew… I saw your post and felt the need to comment but hesitate on fb for many reasons. There is so much going on right now. I’m in a group of thousands of women around the world that are experiencing side effects just being around people that have gotten it, I being one of them. Men are experiencing things too. I hope they are talking about it. It’s not shedding like a normal one but a transmission and the timeline is unknown. It’s definitely not good. I wonder who got it and actually READ all this. How can medical staff in good faith (do no harm) participate? The FDA approves a lot of things in our foods that are banned in other countries because of their affects on our health, yet they won’t approve the vaccination…should make a person wonder. It’s only allowed for usage because of this “pandemic”. Under normal circumstances, it could NOT be administered. This is beyond frustrating!” CLICK THS LINK FOR THE REST OF THE STORY AT

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