Saturday, August 8, 2020

This Election Is a Choice between Freedom and Slavery, Good and Evil By J.B. Shurk

Ronald Reagan famously observed nearly sixty years ago: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same[.]" The man could say so much with so few words. (1) Freedom is an idea; (2) it belongs to anyone wise enough to recognize its value irrespective of race, color, or creed; and (3) it will be endlessly threatened at all times by those opposed to liberty.

Three generations later, and Reagan's warning is uncomfortably prescient. Before the Chinese coronavirus turned into a weapon for destroying freedom, we were already under attack. For years, hate speech laws have been used to censor points of view and silence critics. Public schools have replaced education with "politically correct" Marxist narratives, while Christianity is banned from public life and public squares. Socialists attack words as violence so they may use violence against our words. Wherever we look, the left has been nibbling away at liberty and pushing us toward gilded cages under their control.

Now the Democrats' push to "fundamentally change America" is in overdrive. A combination of their awareness that they have lost ground since President Trump's election and a growing sense of urgency to speed up their revolution before his looming re-election has led them to throw all caution to the wind.

What could have been seen as a moment for national unity just as WWII was for that generation of Americans, the present pandemic unleashed by China, has become nothing more than an opportunity for Democrats at every level of government to steal freedom in the name of security.

Joe Biden talks openly of a "physical revolution" ahead.

Barack Obama no longer pretends to be a moderate and instead openly trashes police officers as racists and murderers, chooses the side of Antifa anarchists destroying federal buildings and harming American civilians, and turns funeral memorials into political rallies demanding that new socialist legislation be pushed through Congress despite the will of the people.

Mayor de Blasio has installed checkpoints to restrict free assembly and arbitrarily and capriciously shut down businesses and church services with fines exceeding ten thousand dollars, while openly encouraging Antifa and Black Lives Matter shock troops to run roughshod over New York City.

Mayor Garcetti has empowered himself with the authority in Los Angeles to deprive individual homes of power and water should he find their owners in violation of any new rules he unilaterally creates.

The Democratic Party is furiously scrambling to use the pretext of public health to force "cheat by mail" voting schemes upon swing states within their control just in time to steal a presidential election in November.

And Google and Facebook and Twitter have turned a health emergency into one more excuse for censoring free speech and depriving conservatives of having any voice in what is indisputably our modern town square...... CLICK THIS LINK FOR THE REST OF THE STORY AT

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