Thursday, October 4, 2018

Pastor Reg Kelly's New Book WALK THE SEA WITH ME, Banned from...


  1. Pastor Reg Kelly , my husband and I just finished (a few minutes ago) listening to the Audio CD of "Walk the Sea with Me". We started listening to it on Sunday afternoon. We'd received it in the mail on Saturday. We were so engrossed in it we stayed up until Midnight making it through 30 chapters. On Monday we got up and couldn't wait to put it back onto the computer and continue. We listened intently through chapter 60 as we laughed and cried (a lot). This morning (Tuesday) we finished the final 20 chapters.
    We have been inspired and blessed and touched by God's Word throughout. We love all the characters and you developed them into people that we'd want for our own family, friends and even saw ourselves in this story. We live in SE Kansas so we're somewhat familiar with the areas you speak of in the book. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for his salvation and unspeakable grace to us. But we also thank him for a tremendous Pastor like you to share such a wonderful story and many many lessons to carry forth with us. We loved it and can't wait for your next exciting, inspirational, blessed by God book.

  2. That answer is very simple, and can be answered in a sermon that I delivered not long ago entitled "Salt & Light". church
